How do I drop or withdraw from a class(es)?


If you are considering dropping your class(es) talk to your instructor and schedule a time to meet with your academic advisor. It is important to understand the drop dates and the impact of dropping classes as it can impact the tuition you owe, your financial aid, and your GPA.

  • The dates to drop classes are listed in the detail view of the class. Locate your class on our class schedule.
    • Refund date: The date to drop by to receive a full refund for the class and not receive a "W" on your transcript. Refunds will be automatically applied to your account.
    • Withdraw date: The date to drop a class and receive a "W" on your transcript. A "W" does not affect your GPA. However, if you are receiving your financial aid, it will count toward your completion rate  and satisfactory academic progress (SAP). This may limit your financial aid eligibility in a future term.

Students are required to drop classes through their MyICC account. Enrollment Services is not able to drop students from classes. Click here for Instructions.

  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2024
  • Views 3846
  • Answered By Lynne

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Comments (4)

  1. How do I get a refund for a dropped course if I dropped before the refund date?
    by Shelby on Jun 12, 2023
  2. Refunds for students who drop by the refund date, are sent as a check to the address listed in the student's MYICC account (please be sure it is your current address). If a student has set up an e-refund account in the tuition payment tile from their MYICC, their refund will be sent electronically to their bank account. It takes 10 business days for the initial set up for an e-refund account. For more information about your refund, please contact an enrollment specialist at 309-694-5600.
    by Enrollment Services on Jun 12, 2023
  3. So after I drop a class through the website, is my counselor aware that I dropped a class? Or should I let them know? In other words, is it important to let my counselor know that I dropped a class by myself?
    by Jas on Sep 15, 2023
  4. Hi JAS, Thank you for your question. While you are not required to discuss the decision with your advisor, dropping a class may affect your degree progress so it is highly recommended you discuss the drop with your advisor. You can schedule an appointment to speak with your advisor from the MyICC Appointment Scheduling tile. If you are receiving financial aid, a dropped class can impact your award and future eligibility -- Enrollment Services is available to answer financial questions at 309-694-5600 or
    by Enrollment Services on Sep 15, 2023