How do I remove a hold?

I have a hold on my account and am unable to register for classes. How do I get my hold removed? 


Holds are placed on accounts for many different reasons. Sometimes, a hold is placed to require you to send in a document or update your program of study. Other holds require you to meet with an academic advisor or pay an outstanding balance. To-dos are related to holds on your financial aid application. They do not prevent enrollment but they are an indicator that your financial aid application needs something from you to be able to receive an award determination.

What to do?

  • View the hold in your MyICC account dashboard. Clicking on the hold or to-do will give you detailed information about how to remove the hold. If you still have questions or need more assistance, please contact an Enrollment Specialist at 309-694-5600 or email or
  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2024
  • Views 290
  • Answered By Jeri Murphy

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